Why is there a Clash of Cultures?

The issue of culture clash is not something new. It is a term that has been used often to illustrate the differences from an inherent culture and an acquired one, and the problems that spring when the two overlap.

The clash of cultures basically stems from the fact that a certain culture is displayed and propogated amongst people, drawing them to it through appealing factors. Problems arise when the new acquired culture begins to systematically overwrite the traditional inherent culture an individual possesses. Mostly, certain actions, thoughts and ideologies differ between the two, and they are dealt with on the basis of morality, rationality and sentiments. Hence, the clash between the two is established.

More often than not, the inherent culture is integrated into a person's identity and things that they can relate to. The acquired culture may seem more liberal, and therefore insolent, since it usually doesn't take into consideration the emotional attachments that the inherent pre-existing culture is based on. Usually, the new culture is falsely dubbed as propoganda and brainwashing. In response, traditional cultures are oft labelled backward and unrealistic in the modern world.
With the spread of new ideas, cultures and information in this era of globalization, it is not uncommon to witness a clash of cultures taking place almost everywhere.

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