Disadvantages of Being a Nerd

Nerds are often considered the butt of most jokes among the sophisticated and fashionable. Sure enough, most of them sport a look that does not carry much style when it comes to being hip and trendy.

The title of 'nerd' is often associated with being extremely studious, yet lacking aptitude with regards to most social dynamics. As such, most nerds are perceived to be odd, possessing strange tastes and weird habits. The term is usually used in a derogatory form amongst the more fashionable people. Nerds are often considered to be shy, unattractive and are generally alienated from others.

One thing that has been observed is that nerds are unwilling and mostly unable to follow trends. Because of this, it is believed that they suffer from effective social integration since they cannot focus on looking attractive. This is especially true for girls. Moreover, a nerd is often considered physically weak and, as such, is often subjected to bullying and degradation amongst others. They also find it difficult to attract members of the opposite sex, mostly due to shyness and a lack of conversational skills outside of certain subjects of interest.

Some nerds are also shown to have obsessive-compulsive disorders, most with a strong adherence to rules and personal possessions.

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