What is Brainwashing? Define Brainwashing

Brainwashing refers to the selective manipulation of a person's thought process and the consequent indoctrination of a particular ideology, behavioral pattern or thought process using various psychological tactics and mechanics, most common of which are propaganda and torture.

The term originates from the Chinese terminology xi nao, which literally translates to "wash brain", and was first coined during the Korean War. It involves changing the thinking of an individual through the use of social and psychological implements and programming it to fit a particular framework. People who are brainwashed are often subjected to harassment, guilt, social pressure, physical and psychological torture, and deprivation, among other things. These methods often result in behavior modification, altered decision making and a change in emotional balances, and are often referred to as a form of mind control.

Initially used for political purposes, brainwashing has, in current times, been associated with new religious movements, terrorist activities and cults, with their famous tendencies to gather followers and convert their ideologies and way of thinking. It is however unconfirmed whether these organizations actually make use of such elements. The very idea of brainwashing is a controversial and ambiguous topic that spans many conspiracy theories.

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