Women Working Outside Home: Its Affect on the Family

Working all day and then coming home to a young child can be difficult. The last thing you may feel like doing is answering to your child's.
If they are not taken care of by relatives of the family, more than likely they go to a day care. Day care centers have a common ratio of about four to one. Infectious diseases, especially those involving hearing ability and middle ear infections are three to four times as prevalent as in the home.
Household safety is most likely to become an issue when the children of a working mother are too old for day care and must stay in an empty home for several hours after school before the parents return from work. Many risks involved, range from physical dangers in the home (matches, knives, gas stoves, and household cleaners and other dangerous chemicals, etc.) to medical emergencies and strangers ringing the doorbell.
A major concern is the impact of the mother's work on her children's long-term academic success, mental health, and ability to form relationships. The constant exasperation of organizing and finding things can become quite stressful, as can having to repeat instructions resulting in the mother becoming frustrated with the child. This could affect the self-esteem of a child and require plenty of assurance.

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