The Five Health Tips Needed to Keep Yourself Fit!

It’s time to make a change to your body inside and out, take a breath of fresh air and rejuvenate and revive your health regime, like a splash of cold water on your face.

1. Eat organic fruit and vegetables. (This helps minimize your intake of artificial flavors and food additives.) Pineapples provide a sufficient amount of Vitamin C that helps to build and repair body tissue and boosts the immune system.

2. If you have a high caffeine intake, try to cut down gradually over a week or two, so you don’t experience caffeine withdrawal symptoms such as headaches and irritability.

3. Drink at least 2 to 3 liters of filtered or mineral water every day, especially 1 glass after waking up and 1 before going to sleep. Water decreases the risk of constipation and keeps body and skin hydrated and fresh.

4. Avoid foods containing table salt or added sugar which could result in poor peripheral blood circulation. Normal sugar (sucrose) contains a high level of empty calories.

5. Lightly brush your skin with a dry brush. Many toxic substances are eliminated through the skin and brushing stimulates circulation and removes dead cells.

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