Political Problems of The Eastern World

While the West had been the forebearer of democracy for centuries, in the East, it still remains an unreachable element. There is no doubt that numerous political problems plague the East, particularly the underdeveloped countries. There are however a multitude of reasons why such a scenario is still present within a free world.

Political problems within the East are due to many factors, with illiteracy being accounted as the most common amongst them. It is believed that politics is a science, and that careful study of this discipline is necessary for an effective government and a powerful economy. However, since a majority of the people in eastern countries live very close to the poverty line, and with the literacy rate among them being low, the chances of individuals being educated to improve their lifestyle and the lifestyle of others are very low. Moreover, traditional values also play into account, as politics is dealt with not in line to the people's demands, but the demands of a specific individual or group.

Weak economies that are not able to support a healthy lifestyle are another reason why political problems prevail in the East, and issues such as corruption, dictatorship and a marred development of democracy also come into account.
In short, the East faces several political problems, none of which can be solved without systematic analysis and strong action.


Anonymous said...

Well, all of the problems have been cooked up by the west. They just dont want the east to be stable!

Muhammad Awaid said...

The eastern governments should be responsible as well. You can't blame the west for everything.

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