Daily Life in Pakistan

The situation in Pakistan is getting worse day by day. The bombings and terrorist activities have increased instead of decreasing. People mostly try to avoid public places now and areas which are very crowded. Educational institutions are attacked which has made the parents extremely worried.

Businesses are greatly suffering and recession has made living conditions a bit harsh. The law enforcement agencies are failing to do their job. Especially in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) were the situation is completely out of control.

The country’s resources have reduced. Load-shedding is done up to twelve hours a day. There is lack of pure drinking water. Generators used for producing electricity, run on petrol and diesel, add to the air-pollution and global warming.

Suicide bombings have become a regular thing. The most devastating was the blast at Lal Masjid where many innocent children were torn to pieces. Then there were many others in markets and hotels. These blasts have made people really scared.

The newspapers hardly contain news that is good to the ears. It is mostly just about theft, murders, killings, protests, increased prices, actions that the government will take to make life better (but they are never implemented).

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