Subliminal means without conscious perception. Subliminal messages go directly into the subconscious. They can be in the form of audio, visual or electromagnetic waves. These waves, either of low frequency or extremely low frequency, have various effects on the human body. They disrupt the brain wave patterns which has effects the nervous system profoundly.
The main aim of subliminal messages is to change the perception of an individual, resulting in modified behavior. These messages are used by some people to alter the thinking patterns or negative attitude. They help improve life easily, quickly and effortlessly. Listening to soothing music or the sound of nature such as ocean waves and raindrops can help a lot.
Brain waves help enhance effectiveness of subliminal messages. If the brain is in beta state, subliminal messages get lost as there is already so much going on in the mind and both the conscious and subconscious mind is engaged.
If the brain is in alpha or beta state, there is very little or almost no interference from the conscious mind so the subliminal messages go directly to the subconscious mind. The effectiveness of these messages increases when the theta and alpha brain waves are stimulated.
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