After reading the topic of this article, you will be thinking what sort of boring topic this is. But have you ever thought about it in your daily life? How do you define a successful life? Before, moving on the next paragraph take a minute or two think as to what success actually is.
I am 200% sure that most of you would have defined success keeping your profession or your life in mind. For example, if you are scientist, then your aim will be to invent or discover something new OR if you are a farmer, your success will depend on your annual crop yield. The point here is that if you interview people from different professions, each of them will come up with their own version of success and we will fail to draw any absolute definition of success.
However, the discussion gives you one conclusion for sure i.e. success is relative phenomena. The vision of success for one may prove to be an ultimate failure for others.
In my view success is not a relative concept but rather it is has an absolute meaning. Whenever we try to define success, we always keep the time frame in mind.
What if I was to tell you that there is a definition of success which is independent of time and space? You will be thinking am crazy but I am not. Most of the people around the world believe in some religion or the other. I am not talking about atheists because they are a separate story altogether. If you analyze, every religion defines success which is independent of time and space. The concept of success given by each religion does not span over a period of time but rather it extends to eternity.
Think again about the question I asked you at the start of the article. Am sure, most of you would have thought of definitions which would have been for limited period of time. So, does it mean we are having the wrong concept of success in our daily life? YES! For sure we are wrong.
The question arises there are numerous religions out there and again, there will be confusion in defining success. Therefore, I urge every reader to study every major religion and choose the right one. If you are sincere, God will certainly guide you the right path.
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