Relationships between Parents and Teenagers

In today’s day and age, one can see vastly differing relationships between teenagers and their parents. While some families have teenagers and parents that are cooperative and have a common understanding, others are subject to problems that stem from miscommunication, inexperience and general confusion between the two.
Teenagers believe themselves as growing up rapidly and begin to assume responsibilities that are directly related to them. Some teenagers, however, begin to shun responsibilities altogether, become rebellious in nature and isolate themselves from their parents since they believe they are facing problems growing up that their parents are not able to help them with.
Similarly, parents find it harder to have proper communication with their children in today’s fast-paced world. With a growing emphasis on working to improve living standards, parents may neglect the care and attention that is due to their children, which may end up leaving them feeling isolated and cut off. Some parents, however, take the time to know their teenage children better and develop an understanding between them to provide moral support and some much needed wisdom.
The relationship between teenagers and parents is not always a comfortable one, but it is necessary to keep things smooth to improve the lifestyle of both the concerned parties.

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