Alzheimer Problems and Symptoms

One of the great challenges in the field of medical research nowadays is the disease of Alzheimer. Many health problems begin to take root in our body as soon as we enter the threshold of old age. However, one of the worst one we can ever face is the problem of Alzheimer. Statistics show that more than 3 million people in America are suffering from Alzheimer. What is Alzheimer?

Alzheimer is a disease which weakens the thinking ability and memory of a person to the extent that he or she starts forgetting his very family members, house etc. It begins in people after the age of 65.
Young people are less likely to be affected by it. There are a number of reasons for this ailment. Deficiency of neurotransmitters is one major cause of this disease. Neurotransmitters enable the brain cells to communicate with each other. Their deficiency in the body weakens the thinking power of a person. Another factor leading to Alzheimer is the excess amount of fiber and proteins in the body which adversely affects the functioning of cells. Messages do not reach the appropriate parts of the brain properly. Gradually, the brain cells become weak and even begin to die.

Unfortunately there is no cure for Alzheimer. Medicines can only slow down the process but do not cure it. However, as they say, care is better than cure, there are a number of ways in which we can prevent ourselves from it. Eat a balanced diet and take a regular exercise. Besides this old people should engage themselves in activities like origami or other such art which keeps their brain active. Thus it’s all about a healthy lifestyle which is extremely important for old people if they want to remain healthy and active.

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